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My Projects


A Positive Outlook for a Positive Life!​

POZI KC is a therapy dough created by the CAPS Teacher Ed. program to help relieve stress. This manipulative dough is made and sold by the caps students in the classroom. All of the money we raise goes directly back to the classroom or a charity. The goal for this business is to spread positvity and help students better manage stress and anxiety with manipulative therapy. 

Wolf Springs Elementary 


Wolf Springs Elementary School took a field trip down to CAPS to learn about different careers and the variety of strands CAPS has to offer. In the Education strand, we taught the kids about what it is like to be a teacher and what kinds of strategies and materials are used to improve and better our education. The elementary kids got a chance to learn about new technology that is being introduced into classrooms (merge cubes, 365 videos), did a Lego activity that included problem solving and making inferences based on little information, and they also got to learn about our company POZI KC and what its purpose is. 

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